
Web Design | Month 1

At the heart of every successful marketing campaign is a beautiful and SEO-friendly website. All of our packages include web design services.

Website Build

Our websites are fast, accessible to search engines, and contain high-quality, unique content.

  • Title research
  • New design proof
  • Homepage and Internal pages
  • Copywriting for site’s content
  • Site optimization and launch

Practice Management

Your website is the first point of contact for your practice. Integrate tools to convert more leads.

  • Appointment scheduling
  • EHR patient portal integration
  • Social media integration


SEO depends on site speed. We will host your website on a virtual private server for speed & security.

  • DDOS protected servers
  • Security with cloudflare
  • No page caching or plugin
  • Free SSL included

Covers all marketing, website work, social, and SEO work

Month 2

  • Google My Business map listing onboarding
  • Local listings start packet ready
  • 1st set directories created
  • Audit social media accounts (no monthly posting yet)
  • First GMB and directories photo order

Month 3

  • SEO keyword research for first landing page, set up landing page strategy
  • First landing page design proof done and sent to writing
  • Mobile site speed optimization on the site
  • Onsite optimizations done
  • 2nd set of local directories created

Month 4

  • Start monthly posting: GMB, Social
  • Continue landing pages work, set up keyword ranking research
  • 3rd set of local listings, 1st set of custom directories
  • Blog titles and topics research, send 1st blog to writing

Covers all marketing, website work, social, SEO work, and ads *Ads budget for the campaign not included

Month 2

  • Google My Business map listing onboarding
  • Local listings start packet ready
  • 1st set directories created
  • Audit social media accounts (no monthly posting yet)
  • First GMB and directories photo order
  • Set up search console, and analytics
  • Set up Google Ads for search and campaigns
  • Set up conversion tracking and integrated with Google Ads
  • Generate Adwords creatives
  • First keyword research & rank report done

Month 3

  • Landing page strategy complete
  • SEO keyword research for first landing page, set up landing page strategy
  • 2nd and 3rd set of local directories created
  • Develop video assets for GMB & social media channels
  • Mobile site speed optimization
  • Technical SEO optimization on site
  • Set-up videos for Google ads campaign
  • Review Google Ads campaigns and search terms

Month 4

  • Launch 1st location landing page
  • 2nd location landing page sent to writing
  • Start monthly posting: GMB, Social
  • Q&As created for the GMB listing
  • 3rd set of local listings, 1st set of custom directories
  • Blog titles and topics research, send 1st blog to writing
  • Review qualified PPC leads in WhatConverts
  • Google Ads monthly report

Covers all marketing, website work, social, SEO work, and ads*Ads budget for the campaign not included

Month 2

  • Google My Business Map Listing onboarding
  • Local Listings start packet ready
  • 1st set directories created
  • Audit social media accounts (no monthly posting yet)
  • First GMB and Directories photo order
  • GMB services written & optimized
  • Set up Search Console, and Analytics
  • Set up Google Ads for search and display campaigns
  • Set up conversion tracking and integrated with Google Ads
  • Generate Adwords creatives
  • First keyword research & rank report done
  • SEO keyword research for first landing page, set up landing page strategy

Month 3

  • Commence title research for the first location landing page
  • First landing page design proof done and sent to writing
  • Start monthly posting: GMB, Social
  • Location landing page strategy complete
  • 3rd & 4th set of local directories created
  • Develop video assets for GMB & social media channels
  • Mobile site speed optimization on the site
  • Onsite optimizations done
  • Guest blog research and topic proposal
  • Q&As created for the GMB listing
  • Set-up videos for Google ads campaign
  • Review Google Ads campaigns and search terms

Month 4

  • Set up customized Q&As for your GMB chat feature
  • Commence title research for the second location landing page
  • Second landing page design proof done and sent to writing
  • Continue GMB & social media posting 4 time a month
  • Publish the first blog
  • 5th set of local listings, 1st set of custom directories
  • Review qualified PPC leads in WhatConverts
  • Google Ads monthly report

SEO is a long-term, iterative process

To continue to rank high on online searches, it is important to build on the work that has been done over the first 4 months. After month 4, we will continue to:

  • Optimize your website
  • Create additional landing pages
  • Post on social
  • Fine-tune ad campaigns
  • Write blogs
  • Keep online directories updated
  • And more!

Let’s Connect!

Want to learn more about our marketing services and how we can help grow your practice? Tell us a little about yourself, and a member of our team will contact you shortly.